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IGT Isola dei Nuraghi

13.5% Alc. 0.750 l.

IGT "Cuncordu

  • "Cuncordu"

    IGT Isola dei Nuraghi

    Color: Yellow new gold, dense.

    Nose: Delicacy and personality, taste of ripple apples, apricot jam and mandarin.

    Taste: Delicate and round, sweetness balanced by a good acidity, big and chewy fruits with a long persistance.

    Best served with: Wide range of tasty and/or spicy foods, grilled fish and fish soups, savoury and medium aged cheeses.

    Grape Blend: Arvesiniadu, a native Sardinian grape.

    Wine Malking: With native yeasts fermentation at low temperatures and light clarification to keep most of the scents and tastes peculiar to the original fruit.

    Espalier Vineyards: With a yield of 60 q/ha.

    Alcohol Content: 13.5% Volx 0.750 lt.

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Gostolai S.A.S. di Arcadu Giovanni Antonio e C. - P.Iva 01051950911

Sede legale: Via Friuli Venezia Giulia 24 - 08025 Oliena NU - Tel/Fax 0784.288417

Cantina: Zona P.I.P. - 08025 Oliena NU - Tel/Fax 0784.285374

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